Digital Environment

Media recapitulation

Individual media development of children should repeat the evolution of the species – step by step, not leapfrogging to the last and most attractive stage, digital media.

The Medium Is the Menace

The miniscule but instant hormonal reward for a mere click rewires the brain and reshapes society. We’re not just spending time on the Internet. We are investing time in its improvement.

Disinformation is no danger. Fear polarization

The effect of fake news is mitigated by the users’ growing immunity and by the growing noise that diminishes fake news’ impact. Polarization has no restrictions, only stimuli, both on social media and in the news media. DHS Standing Up Disinformation Governance Board might hit the wrong target.

The Mind Map of Media Ecology

A review of Lance Strate’s “Media Ecology: An Approach to Understanding the Human Condition”.
There are no phenomena that we experience without mediation of our tools, interfaces, and technologies. So, what else, if not media, do we need to learn first and foremost about everything to get that everything right?

The medium is the breakage

With the limited access to authorship in the predigital eras, the linear and structured written narrative fostered “long-range” rationality. Non-literate media, starting with radio, TV and now the internet, favour “short-sighted” emotionality.